Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Vaping vs smoking

I started smoking at 15 years old. I enjoyed cigars. And not too long after cigarettes. The thing to remember is that in the 90s smoking was still semi-normal. Both my parents were heavy smokers, and most of my friends' parents were smokers as well. So it wasn't abnormal for me to do so. And every single time I tried to quit my mother re-encuraged the smoking habit. Marlboro lights. But my preference was Kamel or Newport non-menthol. I enjoyed flavored camels. I liked high end flavors like Vanilla Dream brand. And, stereotypically smoked Djarum Black cloves when I could, like most Goths.

When e-cigs came out I did try them. I liked them better  and would have fully switched but, they were hard to find. And expensive. 

And then I quit smoking.

But without nicotine my pain levels went up. 

And so I started using cigars again. Until I found the Vuse alto vape in March. I got the device for less than a dollar.  A tiny e-cigs like vape you just take a draw from to use. Carriages weren't too expensive, and available at the gas station at the corner. Problem was it's low low nicotine. So it wasn't very helpful to have to hit it so often and it didn't get me off cigars right away.

Then quarantine happened. I couldn't get cartridges during April. But GoPuff had bidi stick flavor disposable vapes. I previously hadn't had any interest in vaping as everyone I knew who vaped did big clouds of fruit smelling no-nicotine. But I needed something, so I tried it.  Mango flavor. And I actually loved it, and no big clouds. 

I also met Skaii and Jeff. Jeff, a good friend off the internet vaped nicotine ejuice but did huge billowing clouds. Skaii also used nicotine juice and sitting in the back of my car produced NO big clouds. So maybe I thought, I could vape too. Not just little e-cig-like disposable or pods...but an actual vape that created less environmental waste. 

So I ordered the Vaporesso VM stick 18, and some Mango e-juice both in freebase and in Nic Salt juice. I also decided to try mango CBD juice since obviously couldn't go buy CBD from the Family Video while it was shut down for Covid-19. I also got the Vaporesso Orco Solo AIO. Both are pen vapes, but one is smaller and has a cage.

I really like the VM18 but it takes forever to charge. I primarily now use it for CBD. 

The orco solo I liked so much I got a second one I. Grey. It has some issues with coils occasionaly. And the glass tube stuck to the Cage and cracked on one so I had to order a replacement. 

Images would not post.

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