Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Three Opinions: A Third Grade Journal Prompt, and response

1.  Thai is the most enjoyable food, because it has a variety of interesting flavor combinations.  Pad Thai is one of my favorite dishes, but there is this coconut shrimp appetizer I had that also has lime.  I don't know the name of it, but it is the single best taste I ever experienced.  Thai iced tea is also amazingly yummy.

2. British shows are of a higher quality than American television.  For one thing, they have far less advertising, even product placement with in a show is much more subtle.  The kids shows are much more innocent and age appropriate humor.  I feel comfortable letting my children watch British shows like Sherlock, even when I wouldn't let them watch a US show that is rated TV-13.

3. The digital age is ruining children.  I grew up as part of the first generation to have computers in school.  Not only did it change the way I learned, but it took away from focus on such skills as having legible handwriting, being able to check my own grammar and spelling (even here I rely on that little red underline). Seeing how things are now with my own children, who struggle to write by hand even simple paragraphs, and type with the hunt and peck method but can dictate flawlessly...just goes to show how skills are being lost and the replacement skills are not necessarily ones that will take you far in life.

This journal entry was being done in tandem with an assignment my daughter who is in third grade was working on.  Same prompt, she had to hand write her answers, and not be as detailed.  I have typed this all out in less than 7 minutes, and she has at this point written next to the number 1 that is pre- printed in her school journal "pizza ".  She is staring blankly at a page not able to express a thought in a complex way, while I am still free flow thoughts just typing this out, and trying to catch any flaws in my ideas and self edit for readablilty as I go.  Yes, I am catching things like lowercase when I should have uppercase and imediatly going back and correcting it.  I am, waiting to go and correct spelling errors, but I am aware that the are there, and able to be fixed.  In the old days, we had to worry so much more because if this was a handwritten entry, any corrections would make it harder to read.  Legibility was as important as ability to understand the thought presented.  Now, kids can just speak into a mic and be done. There are books available for sale on Amazon that have less editing for content (let alone spelling and grammar) then my Seventh Grade term paper required!  

Is it than any wonder that the lack of skills, the lack of real world culture and appreciation, the lack of hard work...people older than I, and I am only 34 and look at the world with a cynical eye, have no hope for the future?

Alas, we live in a world of disposable people.  And all this becomes crystal clear just from a third grade journal prompt that my child is struggling to complete!

(imported from a failed secondary blog I never bothered to use
9/19/14, 6:30 PM
Pacific Daylight Time

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